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St Albans Walmart TUTU

We both were on line at St Albans Walmart and you asked if the TuTu and Barbie’s was good children’s gift for your friends daughters birthday party. I unfortunately didn’t ask if you wanted to bring a date to this big event because I was free all day. Since I missed this one, let’s grab a drink some time instead.

When: Saturday, October 12, 2024

Where: Walmart

I saw a: Man

I am a: Woman

Date posted: Saturday, October 12, 2024

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hate to love

or love to hate?
who will push the boundaries next?
after all the tests are passed and the answer is still no will you then see that it is you with the problem?

When: Thursday, October 10, 2024

Where: I don't, but they see me

I saw a: Man

I am a: Woman

Date posted: Thursday, October 10, 2024

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Waterbury Man Of My Dreams

On 10/7 around 7pm, you were at the Waterbury Shaws. About 6'5", wearing a black T-shirt, dark hair, and Carhartt overalls. I'd love to sit in your lap and massage your hands while we talk about life. With the season changing, maybe we can drink a warm milky beverage and watch some cozy movies while we kiss.

When: Monday, October 7, 2024

Where: Waterbury Shaw's

I saw a: Man

I am a: Woman

Date posted: Monday, October 7, 2024

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Steeple Market Fairfax

We stood next to each other in the meat section. You commented that you liked my J Crew Sweater. I wish I would have caught your name. I'm new to the area, if you are single please reach out!

When: Friday, October 4, 2024

Where: Steeple Market, Fairfax

I saw a: Man

I am a: Woman

Date posted: Friday, October 4, 2024

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South Willard Poetry Woman

Mia- last time I saw you, I gave you a lift to campus. Since then I've moved down the street, but I haven't stopped thinking about you. If you're still up for it, I'd like to buy you that drink. Per Louise Gluck: "You want to see my hands? As empty now as at the first note. Or was the point always to continue without a sign?"

When: Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Where: South Willard Street

I saw a: Woman

I am a: Man

Date posted: Thursday, October 3, 2024

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Ri Ra Irish Pub

I saw you downtown doing that Elaine dance and almost fell in love. I was the lost looking guy with a crazy eight jacket on. I will be downtown again soon, if you want to catch-up and dance again message me here.

When: Thursday, October 3, 2024

Where: Rí Rá Irish Pub

I saw a: Woman

I am a: Man

Date posted: Thursday, October 3, 2024

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Are you keeping hope alive or reveling in sadistic pleasure over the perfect timing of a brief moment?
I'm not strong enough right now and you know this.
This is not a concession or meeting where you're at.
This is torture and killing my humanity isn't helping anymore

When: Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Where: Same place, different time

I saw a: Man

I am a: Woman

Date posted: Wednesday, October 2, 2024

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Cute dog, cuter human

Thanks for the nice hello on the bike path late morning on Sunday. Your dalmatian-esque dog was carrying a stick and looking quite pleased. Your greeting brightened my day. It's the little things, after all.

When: Sunday, September 29, 2024

Where: Burlington bike path

I saw a: Man

I am a: Woman

Date posted: Tuesday, October 1, 2024

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Bjorn continued.

I worried when you siphoned off dirty fish waster, but you told me not to worry. We both thanked God for each other. I wanted to check in & see how you were doing, becuase you told me sometimes you fall off the map, but I only remembered that you lived by a castle. I wanted to get you a bonsai for Christmas to replace the one that died. After you moved away, I called you one day when I saw a rainbow & told you to go outside because I knew you'd see one too & you did. We ate take out together & you stood very close to me. I thought you might kiss me, but you said you didn't even like hugs, even though you gave me one & you also thought Yoda would make a good GPS voice. I always wanted to fly an airplane & you told me you flew them in Mexico. Remember the great condiment exchange?

When: Sunday, May 1, 2022

Where: At a house by a castle back in 2022? Can't remember the exact date

I saw a: Man

I am a: Woman

Date posted: Tuesday, October 1, 2024

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We watched The Hobbit together & sat on your bedroom floor & talked about life. You gave me a hug. I took your old leather loveseat because I knew I'd miss you once you were gone, & I did. I miss seeing the goofy faces you'd make at me through my peephole. You called me a badass when I helped you move out. You thanked me for being a solid adult. Solid yes, infallible no. My insecurities got the best of me, when I said we shouldn't be friends anymore & I'm so sorry if my words hurt you. We've both experienced trauma. I miss hearing about Schrodinger's cat & how you want to domesticate a dinosaur & need more poutine in your life. Have you achieved the goal of dancing naked in your new house yet? Remember the great condiment exchange of 2022? Did you ever replace that bonsai? I'm taking good care of the plant babies & miss being part of your world. -Bro

When: Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Where: Casavant Overlook in 2022 (don't recall the exact date)

I saw a: Man

I am a: Woman

Date posted: Monday, September 30, 2024

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