Ah, a delightful woman can be found if one spreads a wide net on both sides of this northern lake. I truly love our region with it's wildness out of doors. An artsy outlook is appealing, with positive natural, creativity. Living out close to nature during the warm season is a hobby i pursue in an antique camper. Cooking good food is key. Walking is an important exercise. Reading is a regular pastime. Upbeat attitude with humor is the tune!
I consider myself an open-minded person, but my deal breakers are smokers and slobovians
On a Saturday night you will most likely find me chill
I couldn't live without peace, love & happiness
The first section I turn to in Seven Days is persomals
My ideal partner would be in the 57 to 74 age range.
The quickest way to my heart is compassion The quickest way to my bed is enchantment And in the morning, I like my eggs cooked with beans & greens
Microbrew or Bud
Dinner and a movie or Pizza and a rental
Black or Cream & sugar
Theater or Night Club